Drying Heat Treatment to Eridicate Damp Pests
While flare-ups can be to some extent controlled using fogging and fumigation methods with insecticides, this approach is not dealing with the root of the problem and will never solve it completely.
It is an issue that commonly occurs in new builds and in reconditioned properties. The plaster in such properties can take up to three years to dry thoroughly, and during that drying period such properties can be very susceptible to infestations of damp pests like fungus beetles, booklice and plaster beetle, which thrive on the inevitable mould and mildew.

This highly specialised heat treatment approach can only be attempted by qualified and experienced heat treatment specialists who are able to formulise a treatment approach that will deal with the infestation while not cracking the plaster.
Such specialist drying heat treatments require good ventilation and an extended treatment time compared to other insect heat treatments, and in domestic situations residents may have to stay elsewhere for one night.
Advantages of Drying Heat Treatment

Works when other methods will not